syrian homosexuals

12:02 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
the ultimate never ending search for someone who feels the same has always been really draining. you go to "kung fu chat" (123sat) and you see every kind of PSYCHOS.
then you think of a more specific place, you register in AE (After Ellen), well it's one of my fav sites but it seems like no one has discovered it yet. well you'd probably meet some of the local lesbians you already know. gaydargirls same issues, psychos and sex freaks and well when you're so lucky you'd get to meet a decent person once a year.
so shu mne3mol? like seriously what's the solution? i mean in this ultra homophobic country how do gay people breathe?
we don't. i've always felt like i ran out of air to inhale. i suffocate within the lies i make. the masks become like a fist around my face and theres no way out.
but HOPE shall always be there.... the Forgotten Hopes


Anonymous said...

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys, im glad im the first one to comment on this ,,,,,,,,,well my friend, you are so right,,,,,,and its funny how u described our life, but its the truth life is full of shit specially for people like us here,,,,,,,, i really dont know how to find someone just like us,,probably we just have to wait,,or then decide to leave and find a better way. good way to start my friend
keep up the good work
your friendo :P